Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Getting back to normal

I have been interviewing people at the wellspring over the last three weeks.  All their stories have been told with candour and a generosity of spirit.

So many of the men I have spoken to haven't spoken to anyone about their circumstances before, told their story.   The self reliance and lack of expectation of anyone to do anything to help is a common thread.

These men aren't waiting for help, they want to ‘get back to normal’ and get on with their lives.  I don't know if that is a result of being let down in the past or if it's more to do with not wanting to admit you might need help, you might need to talk to someone. Pride? They are all just waiting for a better day ‘I just want to be like I was two years ago’ (Phil)

The other reoccurring theme in these interviews has been long term loneliness.  Disconnected because of the transience, bereavement, broken relationships, substance misuse many have said they have few friends and some have nobody to confide in.

Some are to embarrassed to let family and friends  know that they are struggling so they avoid contact, hide if them seem them on the street.

What they have at the Wellspring  is community, somebody to talk to, to have a chat, and a feeling ‘that someone gives a damn’ (anon).

Helen volunteer for  arthur+martha CIC

artist books for the project 'The Homeless Library.'

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