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Photo Courtesy of Warrington Museum & Art Gallery |
As part of our project 'Making Memories' I have been researching how other arts organisations and Museums & Art Galleries have been using Memory Boxes. Our brief is to devise creative activities for use with Memory Boxes, so it makes sense to learn from best practice from around the world. In no particular order here are some projects that stood out to me...
Chloe Meineck Music Memory Box invites people with dementia to interact with familiar objects chosen or handmade by the owner to represent friends, family and key memories. Each object triggers a specific piece of music to be played, stiring lost memories. http://www.watershed.co.uk
Curiosity Creative have been working with Flo-Culture on a iPad based digital storytelling and digital inclusion project called Memory Box. They collected 16 digital stories, all produced on iPads inspired by memories of Newcastle-upon-Tyne http://curiositycreative.wordpress.com
‘Memory work was begun by a group of HIV positive mothers in
Uganda who used memory books and boxes to help them disclose their positive
status to their children, as well as to begin the process of future planning
together.’ http://web.uct.ac.za
As they state on their website ‘This is not to say that
memory boxes are only for HIV positive people or that HIV positive people who
make them should mostly write about their HIV status, or that they should only
be used to prepare for death. Many of the people we have worked with have used
them to fight for life. Anyone who wants to work creatively with his or her
story can make a memory box. One person, a parent and child, a whole family or
a group can make the memory box. This manual will be useful for anyone who runs
groups as part of their work.’
In Uganda the box was more or less any container in which to
keep the memory book. In South Africa, memory boxes have become important
objects in their own right. The 12 sides are like pages of a book, surfaces on
to which things can be written, painted, drawn and stuck. One example was
made by AIDS orphan Pinky Zondi (16) containing snapshots of her mother, and
older sister who both died of AIDS related infections. In a region where close
to 40% of pregnant mothers test HIV positive and many children have to deal
with loss, this is an attempt to deal with their psychosocial needs. http://www.zefa.be/stock-photo/rights-managed/42-21626271/south-africa-hivaids-the-memory-box-project
Museums and Art Galleries
Up and down the country museums have their own Memory Box
schemes, however I have only found one that suggests associated creative
activity. If you know of others, please do me know.
Mansfield District Council http://www.mansfield.gov.uk/
Chertsey Museum http://www.chertseymuseum.org
The House of Memories http://www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk
The Science Museum http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk
Horsham Museum & Art Gallery http://www.horshammuseum.org
Salford Memories Matter http://www.salfordcommunityleisure.co.uk
Chelmsford Museum http://www.chelmsford.gov.uk
Colchester+Ipswich Museums
Outside the Box Reading Museum. http://www.readingmuseum.org.uk
Beamish Museum offer useful tips on running a reminiscence
session and include a couple of simple creative ideas such as baking or making
a rag rug.
An artists memory box
A very different take on the form of memory box is the
artists memory box, Sheryl Oring Collective
Memory” http://mcbaprize.org/oring/ was an
interactive public performance. She posed the question “what would you like the
world to remember about 9/11? To an audience in New York City on the 10th
anniversary 2011.
Published in 2012 in an addition of 10, each box contains
315 index cards with messages dictated during the Collective Memory
performances. Passersby were invited to share their thoughts about what they
would like the world to remember about the devastating events of 9/11
We would love to hear about any other examples of Memory Box use you might have from around the world. Thanks Lois
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